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Household remedies to combat grey hair

Many people see grey hair as a truly terrible thing. It represents lost youth, vitality and, quite simply, aging. Like almost every problem, here too there is a whole range of household remedies that are supposed to help combat grey hair.

These have the reputation of not only being cheaper, but also being as effective as special shampoos, conditioners and lotions. Is this really the case? We took a closer look at the application and efficacy of the most popular household remedies – apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, baking soda and onion juice.

Apple cider vinegar to combat grey hair

Apple cider vinegar is supposed to increase the hair’s shine, softness and combability by sealing and thus smoothing the cuticle. The ingredients include important vitamins, mineral substances and the trace elements iron, zinc and magnesium. In addition, acetic acid disinfects the scalp and opens blocked pores.

How is apple cider vinegar used?

Generally, apple cider vinegar is healthy, and tastes fresh and delicious in a salad. This enables you to obtain the vitamins and mineral substances through an otherwise healthy and varied diet, so they can support the body from within. But primarily apple cider vinegar should help combat grey hair through external application. Dilute apple cider vinegar with cold water (4 tablespoons in 1L water) and rinse the hair with it after shampooing. In this way, the nutrients in vinegar support the scalp, and combat bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Coconut oil to combat grey hair

Coconut oil is also ascribed disinfecting properties. It is supposed to stimulate hair growth, boost pigmentation, and thus support the natural hair colour. Mix coconut oil with essential sage oil at a ratio of 3:2, and heat briefly in a bain-marie to mix it thoroughly. Once the mixture has cooled, massage it into the scalp and leave on overnight (for example, under a shower cap to protect your pillow from staining).

A mixture of curry leaves and coconut oil is also supposed to support the natural hair colour when applied regularly (3 x a week). Boil a cup of coconut oil with a handful of curry leaves in a pot for 6 – 8 minutes until the leaves have turned black. Once cooled, the oil can also be massaged into the hair, and left on overnight. The nutrients in coconut oil and, above all, the high Vitamin B content in the curry leaves are supposed to strengthen the melanocytes, and thus maintain the natural hair colour.

In both cases, you can wash the hair with a mild shampoo the next morning.

Baking soda to combat grey hair

Baking soda is also repeatedly reputed to help combat grey hair. Stir 2 – 3 teaspoons baking soda – or alternatively baking powder – in a glass of water, and then massage into the scalp. You can also use this for a full shampoo, and it’s particularly helpful to combat oily hair. However, you should note that the baking soda can dehydrate the hair and scalp. Consequently, after rinsing, you should use hair oil or, as mentioned above, a mixture with apple cider vinegar to restore the hair’s shine and prevent an itchy scalp. Although baking soda can be used to wash your hair, it merely helps indirectly with grey hair by freeing the scalp’s pores from surplus oils, and thus providing them with care.

Onion juice to combat grey hair

Onion juice has been used to combat grey hair for centuries. It is supposed to stimulate the production of the enzyme catalase. Catalase’s job is to break down the metabolite hydrogen peroxide in our cells into water and oxygen, and thus to neutralise it. Hydrogen peroxide dissolves the enzyme tyrosinase, which is largely responsible for the formation of melanin. So, if the body lacks catalases, hydrogen peroxide is no longer sufficiently broken down, and this results in grey hair. By stimulating catalase production, onion juice thus has an indirect effect. In addition, the antibacterial effect cleanses the scalp and stimulates the circulation.

How is onion juice applied?

The application of onion juice is very easy: either cut open an onion and rub the scalp with the cut part. Or juice an onion, and massage the juice several times a day into the scalp.

Conclusion: Are there helpful household remedies to combat grey hair?

Yes, there are helpful household remedies that use different methods to help combat the hair turning grey. Consequently, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, baking soda and onion juice definitely have a positive effect on the nourishment of the scalp, and are also suitable for application as a shampoo. However, you should note that particularly apple cider vinegar and baking soda, if they are left on the scalp for too long or not properly diluted, can also lead to a dry and itchy scalp, and thus disturb the skin’s metabolism.

Their application also requires some effort: the remedies must be prepared and mixed or applied several times a day or even left on overnight. And the smell of onions, vinegar, etc. in the hair is an unpopular side effect.

So, Anti-Grey Elixir by La Biosthétique Paris is a sensible and natural alternative to the aforementioned household remedies. It is easy to apply and dose, supplies the scalp with all vital nutrients, keeps it healthy, and thus ideally prevents grey hair – in the long term.