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Anti-Grey Elixir – The natural way to restore your healthy
original hair colour

Granny Grey – for young people a hot trend in hair colours. But not so much with those 30 and over! They often panic when they catch sight of their first real grey hairs at this age. Gone are the days when grey hair was seen as a sign of wisdom and life experience. In today’s society, grey hair symbolises a lack of vitality and transient youth. An unmistakable sign that you are no longer a member of the young or young-at-heart generation. To add insult to injury, the greying process, which is actually genetically determined, can begin prematurely due to frequent stress, bad habits and today’s environmental pollution.

Colour grey hair or is there another way?

The La Biosthétique researchers didn’t want to leave it at colouring. They know your customers very well and know that many people simply want to keep their beautiful natural hair colour and not be reminded of undesirable aging by every millimetre of grey hair regrowth. That’s why they developed Anti-Grey Elixir with a triple effect.

Cell-active anti-grey powerful scalp lotion with triple effect

  1. Reactivates the hair’s natural pigmentation from the roots without the addition of any artificial colour pigments whatsoever.
  2. Consistently protects the hair from further pigment loss.
  3. Revitalises the hair and restores its healthy strength and youthful radiance.


Revitalises the hair and restores its healthy strength and youthful radiance.

The ingredients of Anti-Grey Elixir

  1. Biomimetic peptide = pigmentation booster
  2. Plant extract of candle bush = anti-aging powerful active ingredient
  3. Watery extract of the medicinal gemstone malachite = energiser


 Free from artificial colour pigments! The ingredients are 97 percent natural! With a patented, clinically tested active ingredient (biomimetic peptide)

How to apply Anti-Grey Elixir

  • Shake before use!
  • Distribute the contents of 1-2 pipettes (at least 3 ml) after shampooing or, separate from shampooing, on to the scalp and lightly massage in.
  • Leave-in product! Ideally, leave on overnight.
  • Regular application ensures success. A daily application is recommended.

For whom is Anti-Grey Elixir suitable?

  • When the first grey hairs show up in the natural hair colour.
  •  It can be used as a preventative treatment from age 30 on (or even younger) to maintain the healthy natural hair colour.For hair that has been mostly grey for a long time, the treatment will probably no longer be successful.
  • The younger you are when you start the treatment, the greater the probable success of the treatment and thus the chance to maintain and/or renew your youthful radiance.

Additional product recommendation for Anti-Grey Elixir

Dr Christian Ader, Head of Research, Development and Production

»Researchers are increasingly understanding the processes that occur in our body as we age. This provides us with new ways to help people to maintain their natural beauty and youthful radiance. We regard Anti-Grey Elixir as an anti-aging innovation and a very good example for the practical application of long-standing research and development.«


Detailed information and terminology definitions on the topic of grey hair.

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